Black Sight

"Yeah. Thanks. Have a nice day. Which you won't."

You know, nine times out of ten, when you watch the news on TV, it's about something bad. That's because when bad things happen, it's news. It's intense. It gets people watching. It sells commercials.

And the same thing is true about Black Sight. Wouldn't it be great to see into the future? What if you only saw pain and death? Because those are what you get ... nine times out of ten. What you get are emotional echoes, and the more intense the emotional experience the more likely you are to see it. OK, so you can see who's going to have sex tonight, sometimes, but you can also see who's going to die, or be terribly injured. Or give birth. That's painful too.

Now imagine if it's a small child having these visions, starting with the day they're born. Just having them would either numb you to other people's suffering or make you want to repress the Sight, wouldn't it? And when you tell people about them, they don't believe you ... until it comes true, and after that they look at you funny. Better not to tell.

N.B.: Those with White Sight can also see the future, but they see imperfectly. What Black Sight shows you always comes true. White Sight sees the possibilities, but Black Sight sees the certainties.

These pages copyright © 2002 Tom Lee.