Gray Sight

"Yes -- yes, I do believe in life after death."

You can see ghosts. Now, technically, some "ghosts" are just echoes of powerful or traumatic events from the past that affect people in the present when they come near the place where they happened, and those aren't visible to anybody with Gray Sight. Green Sight, however, is another matter. You can see people's spirits leaving their bodies when they die, and kind of in the distance, in a way, you see a bright light that they go into. Sometimes they don't go right away, for one reason or another, and that is what is meant by "ghosts" here. They stay and pine over lost opportunities or watch over loved ones, although there is little they can do to help them. There are also spirit entities -- things that come out of the light beyond to live in this world, things that were never people, or maybe used to be long ago. You can see all of these, and talk to them. And they can talk to you.

Children born with Gray Sight are usually not chided for talking to people who aren't there -- lots of children have invisible friends, and most of them don't have Gray Sight, just imagination. It's when their invisible friends tell them things that they wouldn't know on their own, or when they repeat words they don't understand, that children get funny looks. That's what teaches them not to tell, and sometimes to repress, although this type of Sight is repressed less often than some. If spirits realize that a child can see them, however, they can pester that child to communicate with the living for them, and this is another reason why this Sight might be repressed.

These pages copyright © 2002 Tom Lee.