White Sight

"You have to get to work early today. No, trust me, you have to be early."

You catch glimpses of what may be, built on the hopes and dreams of the people around you. Sometimes you see a hint about how to reach those hopes and dreams. White Sight doesn't win you the lottery, but it can improve your chances. After all, if you know that one of the seven numbers will be 17, that's good for your chances, isn't it? Those with White Sight are rarely wealthier than anybody else, on the average.

Children born with White Sight often seem as if they have a guardian angel. They know just when to cry to get what they want, just when to throw the toy out of the playpen, and, once they start believing that somebody might exist other than themselves, they know Mommy will be happier in the long run if they interrupt that telemarketing call by crying for no apparent reason right then. But the problems arise when they start to talk. It's so hard to explain why somebody should do something that seems to make perfect sense to you, and so frustrating when they can't see that it makes any sense at all. These children often grow up with little tolerance for others, and may consequently become lonely and find themselves repressing the Sight because of this.

N.B.: Those with Black Sight also see into the future, but they only see things that will happen, and then only if they are emotionally traumatic events. White Sight sees hopes and dreams, not tragedy.

These pages copyright © 2002 Tom Lee.