The Multiverse

The party has made occasional forays into other planes. The elemental planes exist, as do the Ethereal Plane and the Plane of Shadow. It has been established that there are demons, which come from the Abyss, and devils, which come from the Hells, as well as good creatures that come from the higher planes such as Elysium and the Beastlands, which some of the player characters have visited. The neutral plane of the Outlands has been visited briefly, along with border cities that bridge the gap between it and other Outer Planes. It has also been established that there are parallel universes in the Prime Material.

Some variant planes have also appeared, such as the Region of Dreams, where dreamers' psyches create tiny demiplanes which vanish when the dream ends, and Fairyland, populated by fey entities, benevolent or malevolent, or simply disinterested in the plight of mortals.

It is also possible that there is some sort of Plane of Life, where the forces of destruction, whether ignorant or malicious, threaten the biospheres of the Prime Material Plane. Or that may just have been an allegory.

All pages copyright © 1997-2004 Thomas J. Lee.