Intelligent Races in the Hub Universe

This list represents those races that you would be likely to have any knowledge about. Most player characters will be human, as the protagonists of all the Hub stories are human.

Baluin Crest Cat
Native to the planet Jontarou, Baluin crest cats are approximately the shape and size of the prehistoric saber-toothed tiger of Earth. Their fur is normally a bronze-brown color with a white tuft or crest atop the head, but they have a chameleon-like camouflage ability that allows them to change the color patterns of their fur in order to blend in with their surroundings. In addition, they have sucker-pads on all four feet, allowing them to climb sheer surfaces. Their teeth are like those of a saber-toothed tiger, complete with curving oversized tusks. A crest cat's purr is a measured oscillating sound, alternating from high to low tones, like the ticking of a clock. Their Federation-supplied name comes from the Baluin Mountains, their original habitat on Jontarou.
The Federation only recently recognized this species as intelligent; they were previously hunted for sport, an arrangement which the cats did not mind, since the cats saw this situation as great sport for themselves, with a success ratio of about one Federation hunter killed per cat taken, even when the hunters had the best equipment permitted by the sporting rules. This ratio changed, however, when the scientists moved in and started using aircars, long-range detectors, stun-guns, and gas rather than taking their chances on the ground, since the scientists weren't bound by sporting rules. It made no difference that the scientists were only tranquilizing specimens for transport to zoos; the cats unanimously decided to even the odds and stop following their sporting rules as well. They collectively disappeared into the jungle and started pinpointing the major human settlements, preparing to purge their planet of humans. At the same time, Federation science had decided that the crest cats were becoming extinct and stepped up their program of tranquilizing and preserving them, in hopes of being able to reintroduce the species later, once the cause of their "extinction" had been discovered. Only at the last moment was a treaty worked out recognizing the cats as an Affiliated Species of the Federation and permitting their hunting only under fair sporting rules.
Great Satog
Natives of the planet Kalechi, the Great Satogs are enemies of the Federation, fearing the technology and numbers possessed by the humans. They are genetically unstable; there are several different type-variations of the species. Their technology is inferior to the Federation's except in the area of genetic manipulation, a talent they have learned because of their own unique biology.
The planet these beings are from is unknown, but they are intelligent and possess the ability to phase through solid matter, bringing other objects with them if they choose. They can kill human beings by phasing them into solid matter and leaving them there. Hlats are covered with black fur and are shaped like human-sized, hairy amoebas, with many flexible extensions jutting forth from their surfaces.
Humans in the Hub universe are approximately the same as humans of our time; the only difference is that psi powers are much more prevalent, although most people have heard of them only in stories and few believe they exist.
Mutated Sea Otters
Sea otters are among the Old Earth species preserved in the Life Banks on Maccadon, and an attempt was made to introduce them on the mostly-ocean planet of Nandy-Cline, with a few genetic manipulations to make their species more viable in their new environment. There may have been some sort of miscalculation, however; the resulting species is intelligent. They have their own language, and many know how to speak a broken version of Federation translingue. They seem to be a successful transplantation; in the 20 years since they were introduced their numbers have grown considerably. Some of them work in cooperation with coastal sea beef ranchers; others simply live off the bounty of Nandy-Cline's deep seas. They are approximately human-sized.
Old Galactic
The Old Galactics had a galaxy-spanning empire over 100,000 years ago, but now the only evidence of their existence is the artifacts they left behind. No one knows what the Old Galactics looked like or much about their civilization. Their technology seems to have been based on biological, jelly-like "plasmoids," which can be microscopically small or as large as a spacecraft and can perform any of a variety of tasks; it would appear that in a situation where a human would build a machine, the Old Galactics would bioengineer a plasmoid to do the job. Several plasmoids have been discovered, some still functioning after 100,000 years, and are under study at governmental and university laboratories throughout the Federation.
Completely human in appearance, the Payalatans are interesting in that they are almost all very close to average humanoid intelligence. (The standard deviation is very low.) They don't seem to have any interest in going into space. Their civilization is more advanced than one would think they were capable of, however, which is a mystery. Talking to a Palayatan has one of two effects on people: it is either a very pleasant experience, or it causes migraines and fatigue.
These aquatic aliens attacked the Federation about 70 years ago and made considerable headway before finally being repulsed by the Federation Navy. Their homeworld's location is unknown, but they called it Porad Anz, the Sacred Sea.
This species is thought to be extinct. Native to the now-destroyed planet Tiurs, the Raceels were extremely distrustful of other species and quite vulnerable to population pressures. Unsurprisingly, their science eventually invented a planet-destroying weapon and learned how to separate the personality from the body, store it, and later instill it in another body. When they attacked the other planet in their system, Malatlo, the backlash from their weapon destroyed their own planet as well. It is said that some of the Raceels' elds (stored personalities) may have survived.
Not truly aliens; the Sparans are a giant strain of humanity, commonly eight to nine feet in height and proportionally larger than the average human.
Pseudo-humanoid is the only description we are able to get of these aliens, which have a primitive culture but possess an immortality serum that works on humans as well as it works on Tang. The problem is that taking the serum causes the taker to smell unapproachably horrible for months until it wears off. Federation scientists are reportedly working on the problem.
A belligerent reptilian species, the Wirrolans have fought on and off with humans since before the War Centuries. They still lay claim to a few scattered planets.